Katie is up to 2 pounds, 9 ounces!
She is up to 16ml every 3 hours. That's about 4 ounces every day! Friday night, after we left the hospital, they called us to let us know that they barely had enough milk to get them through the night. They were definitely surprised when we showed up with nearly 50 bottles (not all full, I'm not THAT good).
The head ultrasound report came in and there is no change in her bleed from the last ultrasound. The followup is scheduled for November 19.
In other news.. she is off the ventilator! This is huge news! That means that she's breathing on her own! That means no more tube down her throat! Well, not a big tube that makes her look like she is snarling. They moved her feeding tube from her nose to her mouth (it's very tiny), and put a
CPAP mask over her nose. It delivers oxygen and constant pressure, keeping the sacs in her lungs open so she can breathe on her own without having spells when she stops breathing, or apnea. They still happen, but not as much/bad as they would if she was only receiving oxygen and not pressure. They're currently watching her carefully to make sure she can tolerate it without her heart rate dropping. They even mentioned maybe starting
Kangaroo Care soon!
Here's a bunch of pictures of Katie over the last few days:
11.08.12 |
11.10.12 |
11.10.12 |
11.10.12 |
11.10.12 |
11.11.12 |
11.11.12 |
11.12.12 |
11.12.12 |
11.13.12 |
11.13.12 |